UQpy paper

The following repository contains all examples used for showcasing UQpy version 3.0.1 for needs of the paper.


Olivier, A., Giovanis, D.G., Aakash, B.S., Chauhan, M., Vandanapu, L., and Shields, M.D. (2020). “UQpy: A general purpose Python package and development environment for uncertainty quantification”. Journal of Computational Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2020.101204

The notebooks contain all the pieces of code necessary to run the various examples presented in the manuscript. The project structure follows the structure of the paper, i.e., folders and sub-folders correspond to various sections of the manuscript.

Note that certain scripts require the use of third-party software Abaqus. Several examples that require high performance computing were run on the MARCC cluster; as an illustration we provide the scripts necessary to submit the calculations related to the subset simulation example (in folder Section5_Reliability/Section5.2_SubsetSimulation/MARCC_files).