
This module contains functionality for all the sampling methods supported in UQpy.

The module currently contains the following classes:

  • MonteCarloSampling: Class generating random samples from a specified probability distribution(s).

  • LatinHypercubeSampling: Class generating random samples from a specified probability distribution(s) using Latin hypercube sampling.

  • TrueStratifiedSampling: Class is a variance reduction technique that divides the parameter space into a set of disjoint and space-filling strata

  • RefinedStratifiedSampling: Class is a sequential sampling procedure that adaptively refines the stratification of the parameter space to add samples

  • SimplexSampling: Class generating uniformly distributed samples inside a simplex.

  • AdaptiveKriging: Class generating samples adaptively using a specified Kriging-based learning function in a general Adaptive Kriging-Monte Carlo Sampling (AKMCS) framework

  • ThetaCriterionPCE: Active learning for polynomial chaos expansion using Theta criterion balancing between exploration and exploitation.

  • MCMC: The goal of Markov Chain Monte Carlo is to draw samples from some probability distribution which is hard to compute

  • ImportanceSampling: Importance sampling (IS) is based on the idea of sampling from an alternate distribution and reweighing the samples to be representative of the target distribution