
Importance sampling (IS) is based on the idea of sampling from an alternate distribution and reweighting the samples to be representative of the target distribution (perhaps concentrating sampling in certain regions of the input space that are of greater importance). This often enables efficient evaluations of expectations \(E_{ \textbf{x} \sim p} [ f(\textbf{x}) ]\) where \(f( \textbf{x})\) is small outside of a small region of the input space. To this end, a sample \(\textbf{x}\) is drawn from a proposal distribution \(q(\textbf{x})\) and re-weighted to correct for the discrepancy between the sampling distribution \(q\) and the true distribution \(p\). The weight of the sample is computed as

\[w(\textbf{x}) = \frac{p(\textbf{x})}{q(\textbf{x})}\]

If \(p\) is only known up to a constant, i.e., one can only evaluate \(\tilde{p}(\textbf{x})\), where \(p(\textbf{x})=\frac{\tilde{p}(\textbf{x})}{Z}\), IS can be used by further normalizing the weights (self-normalized IS). The following figure shows the weighted samples obtained when using IS to estimate a 2D Gaussian target distribution \(p\), sampling from a uniform proposal distribution \(q\).

IS weighted samples

ImportanceSampling Class

The ImportanceSampling class is imported using the following command:

>>> from UQpy.sampling.ImportanceSampling import ImportanceSampling


class ImportanceSampling(pdf_target=None, log_pdf_target=None, args_target=None, proposal=None, random_state=None, nsamples=None)[source]

Sample from a user-defined target density using importance sampling.

  • pdf_target (Optional[Callable]) – Callable that evaluates the pdf of the target distribution. Either log_pdf_target or pdf_target must be specified (the former is preferred).

  • log_pdf_target (Optional[Callable]) – Callable that evaluates the log-pdf of the target distribution. Either log_pdf_target or pdf_target must be specified (the former is preferred).

  • args_target (Optional[tuple]) – Positional arguments of the target log_pdf / pdf callable.

  • proposal (Optional[Distribution]) – Proposal to sample from. This Distribution object must have an rvs() method and a log_pdf (or pdf) method.

  • random_state (Union[None, int, RandomState]) –

    Random seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator. Default is None.

    If an int is provided, this sets the seed for an object of numpy.random.RandomState. Otherwise, the object itself can be passed directly.

  • nsamples (Optional[int]) – Number of samples to generate - see run() method. If not None, the run() method is called when the object is created. Default is None.


Generate and weight samples.

This function samples from the proposal and appends samples to existing ones (if any). It then weights the samples as log_w_unnormalized) = log(target)-log(proposal).


nsamples (int) – Number of weighted samples to generate.

This function has no returns, but it updates the output attributes samples, unnormalized_log_weights and weights of the ImportanceSampling object.

resample(method='multinomial', nsamples=None)[source]

Resample to get a set of un-weighted samples that represent the target pdf.

Utility function that creates a set of un-weighted samples from a set of weighted samples. Can be useful for plotting for instance.

The resample() method is not called automatically when instantiating the ImportanceSampling class or when invoking its run() method.

  • method (str) – Resampling method, as of V4 only multinomial resampling is supported. Default: ‘multinomial’.

  • nsamples (Optional[int]) – Number of un-weighted samples to generate. Default: None (sets nsamples equal to the number of existing weighted samples).


ImportanceSampling.samples: ndarray

Set of samples, numpy.ndarray of shape (nsamples, dimensions)

ImportanceSampling.unnormalized_log_weights: ndarray

Unnormalized log weights, i.e., log_w(x) = log_target(x) - log_proposal(x), numpy.ndarray of shape (nsamples, )

ImportanceSampling.weights: ndarray

Importance weights, weighted so that they sum up to 1, numpy.ndarray of shape (nsamples, )

ImportanceSampling.unweighted_samples: ndarray

Set of un-weighted samples (useful for instance for plotting), computed by calling the resample() method
