Source code for UQpy.sampling.stratified_sampling.strata.baseclass.Strata

from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import abc
from beartype import beartype
from UQpy.utilities.ValidationTypes import RandomStateType, NumpyFloatArray
from UQpy.sampling.stratified_sampling.strata.SamplingCriterion import SamplingCriterion

[docs]class Strata: @beartype def __init__(self, seeds: Union[None, np.ndarray] = None, random_state: RandomStateType = None): """ Define a geometric decomposition of the n-dimensional unit hypercube into disjoint and space-filling strata. This is the parent class for all spatial stratified_sampling. This parent class only provides the framework for stratification and cannot be used directly for the stratification. Stratification is done by calling the child class for the desired stratification. :param seeds: Define the seed points for the strata. See specific subclass for definition of the seed points. """ self.seeds: NumpyFloatArray = seeds """Seed points for the strata. See specific subclass for definition of the seed points.""" self.volume: NumpyFloatArray = None """An array of dimension :code:`(strata_number, )` containing the volume of each stratum. """ self.random_state = random_state if isinstance(self.random_state, int): self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.random_state) elif not isinstance(self.random_state, (type(None), np.random.RandomState)): raise TypeError('UQpy: random_state must be None, an int or an np.random.Generator object.')
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stratify(self): """ Perform the stratification of the unit hypercube. It is overwritten by the subclass. This method must exist in any subclass of the :class:`.Strata` class. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sample_strata(self, nsamples_per_stratum, random_state): """ Abstract class that need to be implemented in each new Stratum. It defines a way to draw samples from each stratum. :param nsamples_per_stratum: Number of samples to draw in each stratum :param random_state: Random seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator. Default is :any:`None`. If an :any:`int` is provided, this sets the seed for an object of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`. Otherwise, the object itself can be passed directly. :return: A :class:`tuple` containing the new samples contained in the strata as well as their corresponding weights. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calculate_strata_metrics(self, index): """ Abstract method that calculates stratum metrics needed in order for the sampling algorithm to decide which stratum to refine :param index: Stratum index :return: A list containing the metric of each stratum. """ pass
def initialize(self, samples_number, training_points): pass def extend_weights(self, samples_per_stratum_number, index, weights): if int(samples_per_stratum_number[index]) != 0: weights.extend([self.volume[index] / samples_per_stratum_number[index]] * int(samples_per_stratum_number[index])) else: weights.extend([0] * int(samples_per_stratum_number[index]))