Grassmann Point

The UQpy class GrassmannPoint offers a way to check whether a data point, given as a matrix \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}\), belongs on the corresponding Grassmann manifold. The class takes, as input, an orthonormal 2d numpy.ndarray i.e., \(\text{shape}(\mathbf{X})=(p, n)\), and checks if this matrix is an orthonormal basis that lies with \(\mathbf{X}' \mathbf{X} = \mathbf{I}\) on the Grassmann manifold. If it is, then it creates the corresponding GrassmannPoint object.

To use the GrassmannPoint class one needs to first import it by

>>> from UQpy.utilities.GrassmannPoint import GrassmannPoint

To create an object of type GrassmannPoint

>>> X = GrassmannPoint(X)
class GrassmannPoint(data)[source]

data (ndarray) – Matrix representing the point on the Grassmann manifold.