Cluster Script Example for Third-party

In this case, we’re just running a simple addition of random numbers, but the process is exactly the same for more complicated workflows. The pre- and post-processing is done through model_script and output_script respectively, while the computationally intensive portion of the workflow is launched in cluster_script. The example below provides a minimal framework from which more complex cases can be constructed.

Import the necessary libraries

from UQpy.sampling import LatinHypercubeSampling
from UQpy.run_model.RunModel import RunModel
from UQpy.run_model.model_execution.ThirdPartyModel import ThirdPartyModel
from UQpy.distributions import Uniform
import numpy as np
import time
import csv

Define the distribution objects.

var_names=["var_1", "var_2"]
distributions = [Uniform(250.0, 40.0), Uniform(66.0, 24.0)]

Draw the samples using Latin Hypercube Sampling.

x_lhs = LatinHypercubeSampling(distributions, nsamples=64)

Run the model.

model = ThirdPartyModel(var_names=var_names, input_template='inputRealization.json', model_script='',
                        output_script='', output_object_name='OutputProcessor',

t = time.time()
modelRunner = RunModel(model=model, samples=x_lhs.samples, ntasks=1,
                       cores_per_task=2, nodes=1, resume=False,
                       run_type='CLUSTER', cluster_script='./')

t_total = time.time() - t
print("\nTotal time for all experiments:")
print(t_total, "\n")

Print model results–this is just for illustration

for index, experiment in enumerate(modelRunner.qoi_list, 0):
    if len(experiment.qoi) != 0:
        for item in experiment.qoi:
            print("These are the random numbers for sample {}:".format(index))
            for sample in x_lhs.samples[index]:

            print("This is their sum:")
            for result in item:

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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