Third-party - OpenSees

Import the necessary libraries.

import numpy as np

from UQpy.distributions import Uniform
from UQpy.run_model.RunModel import RunModel
from UQpy.run_model.model_execution.ThirdPartyModel import ThirdPartyModel
from UQpy.sampling import MonteCarloSampling

Define the distribution objects.

dist1 = Uniform(location=15000, scale=10000)
dist2 = Uniform(location=450000, scale=80000)
dist3 = Uniform(location=2.0e8, scale=0.5e8)

Draw the samples using MCS.

x = MonteCarloSampling(distributions=[dist1, dist2, dist3] * 6, samples_number=5, random_state=938475)
samples = np.array(x.samples).round(2)

Run the model.

names_ = ['fc1', 'fy1', 'Es1', 'fc2', 'fy2', 'Es2', 'fc3', 'fy3', 'Es3', 'fc4', 'fy4', 'Es4', 'fc5', 'fy5', 'Es5',
          'fc6', 'fy6', 'Es6']

m = ThirdPartyModel(model_script='', input_template='import_variables.tcl', var_names=names_,
                    model_object_name="opensees_run", output_script='',
opensees_rc6_model = RunModel(samples=samples, ntasks=5, model=m)

outputs = opensees_rc6_model.qoi_list

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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